Tooth whiteness and gloss are compromised when tooth enamel loses its surface smoothness and mineral density, i.e. the translucence that normally reveals the natural ivory color of the dentin beneath. Studies both in vitro and in vivo, using both extracted and living teeth, with results measured by photocolorimeter, spectrophotometer, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), show that use of SANGI's nano<mHAP> toothpaste improves whiteness and gloss,1 and that the improvement can be correlated with increased surface smoothness and mineral density.2

1. C.Guo et al, The Effect of APAGARD M Toothpaste on the Color of Vital Human Upper Front Teeth, J Jpn Acad Color Dent 6(1): 60-63, 1999 (Japanese language with English abstract)
2. C.Guo et al, Effect of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste on Vital Tooth Color, J Dent Res 81:1964, San Diego Abstracts, 2002